Tips to Catch the Perfect Fish

Fishing is always fun, but when you’re catching fish it’s even more enjoyable. Since Fishing Season is now upon us, here are 4 quick tips to help you start the season right.
- 1 Stay Away From The Crowds. If you get to an area with lots of people casting off shore, boats everywhere, and even swimmers splashing in a frenzy, move away from the crowds. Most likely the fish will avoid that chaos and stay away from the area. It is amazing what a difference moving even just 100 yards can make. Try to fish in an area where you are relatively isolated. It’s a lot more peaceful, and the fish are less likely to be spooked.
- 2 Get To Know Your Fish Like all other creatures on the planet, fish have very specific habits and these traits vary by the different species. Get to know the fish in your area. Do they feed in the morning? At night? Do they like the heat of the day, or prefer cooler waters? Where do they swim? What temperatures do they thrive in? A little knowledge can go a long way, and truly make any fishing outing a great day.
- 3 What’s The Right Bait? Every day is different and sometimes the fish love live baits and sometimes they hit lures with a frenzy. The key to a fish striking your bait or not is whether they think they have an easy meal. Most animals do not like to fight for their food. They want to gulp it down and move on. They prefer the path of least resistance, and this is where your bait makes a difference. Fish love wounded bait fish or minnows, and the more your live bait or lure can mimic a wounded minnow, the more action you will have. The Vibra-Strike Technology designed into the Rechargeable Twitching Lures makes them flash, buzz, twitch, and vibrate when they hit the water. This set of behaviors is programmed to engage a fish on the three senses that compel it to feed – sight, feel, and hearing. It repeatedly mimics the spasmodic actions of a wounded minnow and that what makes them effective for both salt and freshwater fishing.
- 4 Keep What You Eat – Release The Rest It is important not to take more fish than you will eat. Fish are delicious and a healthy renewable food source. Remember, when you release a big one, the next time you catch it, it will be an even bigger one. Since people have been practicing catch and release, the fish are getting bigger, the fights better, and the fishing is more fun.
Fresh Water or Salt Water?
Salt or Fresh-Rechargeable Twitching Lures Catch Them All
Where do you like to fish most? When you consider over 70 percent of the earth is covered by water, you have lots of choices. Your first choice is whether you want to fish in Salt Water or Fresh Water. There are some important differences that you should know about, and that will affect your equipment, your choice of lures, and many other aspects of your time fishing.
The most important difference is that Salt Water contains salt in a much higher density than fresh water. What that means to you is that electricity flows through salt water more readily and efficiently than it does through fresh water. The electrical current in salt water can cause corrosion in your boat, your rod, your reel, your fishing line, and even your lures. If you use a freshwater reel in a salt water environment chances are it will corrode and break down within a short period of time.
Fishing equipment for saltwater must contain alloys that can stand up to corrosion and last year after year. All of the Rechargeable Twitching Lures are made to withstand a salt water environment, even if you are not using them there.
The Twitching Lure alloys, parts, welds, and seals are designed to last year after year in the most corrosive situations. This way, even if you are using Rechargeable Twitching Lures in fresh water, you can depend on them to keep performing season after season. If you do like to fish in salt water, the way we manufacture all of our Rechargeable Twitching Lures ensures that your rechargeable electronic twitching lure can withstand the punishment in the most corrosive waters on earth.
Of course fish who live in salt water are different than fish who swim in fresh water. The common element; however, is their DNA trigger to feed. All species of fish are triggered to strike a wounded bait fish, and when the Rechargeable Twitching Lure hits the water and starts twitching, flashing, vibrating, and buzzing it’s like the dinner bell for the big ones. Fish cannot resist a lure with a twitch because they hear it, they feel it, they see it and they strike it.
How Does A Rechargeable Twitching Lure Work? Why Does It Catch So Many Fish?
Technology is changing everything these days, and now it has put a new twist in how we fish… actually a new twitch. If you love catching fish you are really going to like using the Rechargeable Twitching lure. It’s an Electronic Smart Vibrating Lure. When it hits the water, it immediately starts to twitch, flash and buzz. The movements mimic the spasms of a wounded bait fish. Fish see it, they hear it, and they feel it. Then they strike it.
Fish cannot resist striking because these movements are the dinner bell to big fish imprinted deep down in their DNA for millions of years. The rechargeable Twitching Lure attracts and catches all species of Fresh and Saltwater fish – day or night! It works so well that some experts are saying “it’s unfair because it catches too many fish”!
A traditional lure is designed to produce similar action, but it all depends on how well the fisherman can work it. There are even twitching baits, but if the fisherman does not work them right, they fail. The Rechargeable Twitching Lure does not depend on the fisherman’s experience and skill. It works even if it is simply drifting in the water. The secret is in the Vibra-Strike Technology. That’s what makes the lure twitch, flash, and buzz. Those three signals attract fish from miles away. Fish can’t resist a lure with this technology. They feel it, they hear it, they see it, and they bite it!
There is no other lure you can find that triggers a fish’s DNA with these three basic instincts all at the same time. VibraStrike Technology may be the greatest advancement in fishingsince the hook! And when you try a Rechargeable Twitching Lure, you will understand why. This new technology takes the wishing out of fishing. For more information, go to: